No | 著者 | タイトル | 発行年 |
1 | UNNO, Yahiro | New Economic Policy of Japan | 1992.2 |
2 | 堀林 巧 | I.東欧の体制転換 II.ハンガリーの脱共産主義化過程 |
1993.3 |
3 | 海野 八尋 | 資本蓄積過程における実質賃金率、稼動率―モデル分析の基本問題- | 1993.2 |
4 | 玉井 龍象 | レーネ・L・フライ著「インフラストラクチュア-公共投資計画の基礎-」[抄訳](I) | 1994.3 |
5 | GOKA, Kazumichi | Changes of Employment Management and Precarious Employment in Recent Japan | 1991.9 |
6 | GOKA, Kazumichi | The Situation and Problems foreign Workers in Today’s Japan | 1993.9 |
7 | 松本 久雄 | MEGA版で読む『資本論』―第3巻第5編第25〜35章の範囲で | 1995.5 |
8 | HOSHINO, Nobuaki | Applying Pitman’s sampling formula to microdata disclosure risk assessment | 2000.3 |
9 | HOSHINO, Nobuaki | The Quasi-multinominal Distribution as a Tool for Disclosure Risk Assessment | 2006.3 |
10 | MASAKI, Toyomu | Trade partners and the real effective exchange rates of UEMOA countries (1999-2006) | 2008.8 |
11 | 正木 響 | 英領ガンビアの対仏割譲交渉とその社会経済史的背景 | 2008.5 |
12 | HOSHINO, Nobuaki | Random partitioning over a sparse contingency table | 2008.12 |
13 | MASAKI, Toyomu | Monetary Integrations in Western Africa and the Real Effective Exchange Rates 1999-2006 | 2009.3 |
14 | 正木 響 | 西アフリカ諸国の通貨統合-実質実効為替レート(1999-2006)のクラスター分析を通じて- | 2009.7 |
15 | 星野 伸明 | 公的統計ミクロデータ提供制度の課題 | 2010.7 |
16 | TAKESHIMA, Sadaharu | The Cycle Model: An Alternative View of Elements of Financial Statesments | 2011.4 |
17 | SEO, Takashi | A Neo-Schumpeterian Perspective on Technical Change and Unemployment | 2012.9 |
18 | 寒河江 雅彦・大前 琢己 | 携帯電話の日本語入力におけるT9方式とMulti-Tap方式の分析 | 2012.9 |
19 | MASAKI, Toyomu | Two Monetary Unions in West Africa observed from a viewpoint of Real Effective Exchange Rates:1999-2008 | 2013.2 |
20 | IKESHITA, Ken-ichiro | Political Donation, Intellectual Property Rights, and Economic Growth | 2013.3 |
21 | 星野 伸明 | エビデンスに基づいた匿名化 | 2013.8 |
22 | SHINKAI, Jun-ichi and ENYA, Masahiro | The Impact of Capital Inflows on Asset Prices in East Asia | 2014.3 |
23 | SEO, Takashi | Reconsidering Schumpeterian Business Cycle Theory-From the Spiethoff-Schumpeter Perspective- | 2014.9 |
24 | 鶴田 靖人・寒河江 雅彦 | ベイジアンネットワークを用いた階層型少子化因果モデルの構築 | 2015.4 |
25 | MASAKI, Toyomu | Multiple monies in Senegambia (1815-1901)—Indian cotton, silver coin, and paper money— | 2015.7 |
26 | MASAKI, Toyomu | Movements of silver coins between France and Senegal 1833-1925: Evidence from French trade statistics | 2016.1 |
27 | SEO, Takashi | Schumpeterian Innovation System in Knowledge Capitalism | 2016.2 |
28 | YASUHITO Tsuruta, SAGAE Masahiko | Asymptotic Property of Wrapped Cauchy Kernel Density Estimation on the Circle |
2016.6 |
29 | MASAKI, Toyomu | Guinee Cloth Exported to Western Africa Via France from 1815 to 1929: Focusing on Changes in Transit Points and Destinations at the Turn of the Century |
2016.10 |
30 | YASUHITO Tsuruta, SAGAE Masahiko | Higher order kernel density estimation on the circle |
2016.12 |
31 | 藤澤 美恵子・平湯 直子 | 環境意識と環境行動に関するWebアンケート調査 ―調査の概要と集計結果― | 2016.12 |
32 | 佐藤秀樹 | Construction of the European Banking Union: Relations with the European Banking Authority and Financial Stability Board |
2017.3 |
33 | 瀬尾崇 | Schumpeter’s Treatise on Money and Schumpeterian Business Cycle Theory | 2017.6 |
34 | Tsuruta Yasuhito and Sagae Masahiko | Theoretical Properties of Bandwidth Selectors for Kernel Density Estimation on the Circle | 2017.7 |
35 | Tsuruta Yasuhito and Sagae Masahiko | T Asymptotic Properties of Circular Nonparametric Regression by applying Von Mises and Wrapped Cauchy Kernels | 2017.10 |
36 | 齊藤実祥・原田魁成・寒河江雅彦・柳原清子 | 家族介護者の介護離職・転職等の経済損失と医療費・介護保険給付費の経済波及効果〜石川県K市の事例に基づいて〜 | 2017.10 |
37 | 佐藤秀樹 |
International Aspects on the European Banking Union (EBU):Dynamism on the Harmonization of the Banking Supervision |
2017.11 |
38 | Masahiro Enya and Jun-ichi Shinkai | Capital Inflows, Asset Prices, and Financial Systems in East Asia | 2018.3 |
39 | Takashi Seo | A Schumpeterian Innovation System in Knowledge Capitalism – System Dynamics with STELLA – |
2018.3 |
40 | 原田魁成・柳原清子・寒河江雅彦・齊藤実祥 | 家族介護者の介護認識と就労実態からの家族レジリエンス研究:小規模地方都市を焦点化して | 2018.3 |
41 | 佐藤秀樹 |
Bank Resolution and Deposit Guarantee Scheme as the European Banking Union: With Reference to the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
2018.4 |
42 | 斎藤実祥、原田魁成、寒河江雅彦、柳原清子、平子紘平 | 家族介護者の介護離職・転職等に伴う経済損失と介護労働時価の賃金換算推計 | 2018.5 |
43 | 藤澤美恵子、平湯直子 | 環境意識と環境行動に関するWebアンケート調査 ―調査の概要と集計結果(追加調査分)― | 2018.5 |
44 | MASAKI, Toyomu | Weights of Money, Credibility and Sphere of the Money Circuit:Observations through a Monetary Evolution in West Africa | 2018.8.22 |
45 | SEO, Takashi | The Status of Knowledge Capital in National Innovation Systems―System Dynamics Model for Policy Implications― | 2018.9.19 |
46 | SATO, Hideki | UK Banking Supervision and Regulation through Historical Approach:Implications for the European Banking Union | 2018.9.28 |
47 | MASAKI, Toyomu | Why were the gates for the export of guinee cloth to Western Africa altered? Global stakeholders intertwined over trade policy (1830s-1920s) under French imperialism | 2018.10.26 |
48 | 山本けい子、原田魁成、寒河江雅彦 | 主成分分析に基づく地域クラスタリングと産業構造の可視化 | 2019.4.4 |
49 | 阪口博政、荒井耕 | 診療報酬制度における原価計算の位置付け 日本における公定価格算定プロセスに対する認識の変遷と今日的課題 | 2019.10.29 |
50 | SATO, Hideki | The UK’s Initiative on International Banking Supervision in the 1980s: Basel Process and International Cooperation on Prudential Policies | 2019.12.27 |
51 | NISHIYAMA, Hiroyuki KATO, Atsuyuki KAMATA, Isao |
Location Strategy of Japanese Multinationals: Evidence in the ASEAN and China | 2020.03.30 |
52 | HOSHINO, Nobuaki | Firm Foundation for Statistical Disclosure Control | 2020.3.31 |
53 | 原田魁成、山口裕通、寒河江雅彦 | スパース非負値行列因子分解を用いたCOVID-19流行期の県間旅行行動の変容分析 | 2020.12 |
54 | 原田魁成、寒河江雅彦 | 羽咋市におけるモバイル空間統計データによる人口流動分析〜非負値行列因子分解法を用いて〜 | 2020.12 |
55 | 原田魁成、寒河江雅彦 | 地域経済循環構造を用いた都市連携基準 | 2020.12 |
56 | 原田魁成、山口裕通、寒河江雅彦 | COVID-19下での石川県における移動行動分析 | 2020.12 |
57 | 齊藤実祥、寒河江雅彦 | 3次スプライン関数によるヒストグラム平滑化とその漸近的性質〜Boneva, Kendall and Stefanov型とLii and Rosenblatta型モデルの理論的同等性〜 | 2020.12.22 |
58 | SATO, Hideki | European Harmonization of Banking Supervision:European Identity or International Context? |
2021.3.26 |
59 | Masahiro ENYA, Kimiko SUGIMOTO | Global Liquidity and Reallocation of Domestic Credit | 2021.3.31 |
60 | Masahiro ENYA, Akira KOHSAKA, Takashi MATSUKI, Jun-ichi SHINKAI, and Kimiko SUGIMOTO | Macro-financial linkages in East Asia in Global perspectives | 2021.3.31 |
61 | 原田魁成、寒河江雅彦 | 非負値テンソル因子分解を用いた地域間産業連関構造の特徴抽出 | 2021.10.21 |
62 | 原田魁成、山口裕通、寒河江雅彦 | スパース非負値行列因子分解を用いたCOVID-19感染拡大に伴う日本国内居住者の移動行動変容分析 | 2021.10.21 |
63 | 佐藤秀樹 | 欧州金融統合の新局面:復興基金とグリーンディール政策のダイナミクス | 2021.12.27 |